AB DOER ELITE – Mobility Mode Flexibility Study
In a study to determine the efficacy of the AB Doer Elite’s Mobility Mode, 29 male and female participants, from the ages of 18 and 85, were tested on the machine.
Prior to exercising, subject flexibility was measured through a toe touch test. This measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. Lower back flexibility is important because tightness in this area is implicated in lumbar lordosis, forward pelvictilt and lower back pain. Results were measured in centimeters.
After these measurements were taken, each subject spent five minutes on the AB Doer Elite utilizing the “mobility mode” to perform a circular movement with their pelvis. They switched directions each minute, and after the third minute they were asked to raise the arm bars above their head for the final two minutes.
After the five minutes were up, the subjects were then measured in the same manner as before the exercise to see if there was any increase in flexibility.Results show 93% of participants saw an improvement in flexibility. Those that saw an improvement experienced a dramatic 29% increase.
The results indicate that use of the AB Doer Elite Mobility Mode can increase mobility, flexibility, and range of motion. That can mean users who follow the recommended workout program with the AB Doer Elite may experience some of the following benefits:
Decreased risk of injury Improved functional fitness (daily activities)
Relieve back tension
Reduce low back pain
Increased ability to reach peak fitness levels
Improved athletic performance Improved stability
Improved core strength
Improved balance and gait (walking)
Increased low back and hip flexibility
Improved spinal mobility
Improved posture